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Diksha Sachan

Diksha Sachan Lives in New Delhi, Delhi, India

life is a series of baby steps, Fall, stand learn and grow.

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My personality confuses people. I enjoy being alone a lot, but I'm very social and outgoing. My environment dictates how I behave. Sometimes I'm loud, sometimes I'm quiet. I read the energy and adjust. There are times when I want to turn up with others, and then there are moments when I want to travel to unwind, explore, and reconnect with myself. I love traveling with my selected group of people because it brings a sense of comfort and shared adventure. Exploring new places, soaking in different cultures, and making memories with them feels fulfilling. At the same time, I value my quiet moments to process thoughts and recharge. I am an ambivert. ©Diksha Sachan

#Morning #Quotes  My personality confuses people. I enjoy being alone a lot, but I'm very social and outgoing. My environment dictates how I behave. Sometimes I'm loud, sometimes I'm quiet. I read the energy and adjust. There are times when I want to turn up with others, and then there are moments when I want to travel to unwind, explore, and reconnect with myself.

I love traveling with my selected group of people because it brings a sense of comfort and shared adventure. Exploring new places, soaking in different cultures, and making memories with them feels fulfilling. At the same time, I value my quiet moments to process thoughts and recharge. I am an ambivert.

©Diksha Sachan


12 Love

 Sometimes it feels like knowing less about you would have been better;
 not knowing, it would have been so much better.

©Diksha Sachan

Knowing a person more can sometimes hurt you.

72 View

I meet many people in this world but only 1% are the ones whom I keep closest to my heart. You should think about it. ©Diksha Sachan

#intezar #Quotes  I meet many people in this world but only 1% are the ones whom I keep closest to my heart. 
You should think about it.

©Diksha Sachan


10 Love

कल फिर उस झूठी दुनिया का दीदार करना है| ना कम ना ज़्यादा मगर पूरा स्वीकार करना है| - दीक्षा सचान ©Diksha Sachan

#mondaymorning #mondayblues #IFPWriting #Monday  कल फिर उस झूठी दुनिया का दीदार करना है|
ना कम ना ज़्यादा मगर पूरा स्वीकार करना है|
- दीक्षा सचान

©Diksha Sachan

That's how we grow in life... #mondaymorning #mondayblues #Monday #IFPWriting

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जब मन ना लगे शहर के मस्ती में , तब हो आते हैं हम अपने श्याम की बस्ती में। - दीक्षा सचान जय श्रीकृष्णा ©Diksha Sachan

#jaishreekrishna #krishnaquotes #mathuraquotes #Krishna  जब मन ना लगे शहर के मस्ती में , 
 तब हो आते हैं हम अपने श्याम की बस्ती में।
- दीक्षा सचान 

जय श्रीकृष्णा

©Diksha Sachan

They call it a new beginning but at a cost of changing themselves from old to new inside out. ©Diksha Sachan

#SunSet  They call it a new beginning but at a cost of changing themselves from old to new inside out.

©Diksha Sachan


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