
Short Story Writing Challenge

IFP Writing Challenge To Participate:- 1. Write your short story on nojoto wallpaper in 100 – 200 words. 2. Story should be written in English Language only. 3. Use #IFPWriting in the caption of your post. 4. Participation Date – 3rd August 2022 to 18th August 2022. 5. Winner will get a free registration ticket for IFP, cash prize of rupees 1500 and e-certificate. 6. Runner ups will get 1000 and 500 rupees each and e-certificates. Note:- Using #IFPWriting is compulsory for valid participation. Do not exceed the word limit. You can submit multiple entries too.

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#dehatijaysingh #ThomsoOpenMic #NojotoTurns5 #NaseebApna #IFPWriting #BeatMusic  मेरे नाम का एक दरवाजा था।🥀
इक खिड़की मुझे जानती थी।।🥀
कोई सहर था जिसकी हर
एक गली मेरी आहट पहचानती थी।।🌹🌹

सभी के प्रणाम 🙏🙏🙏🙏 Please subscribe my youtube channel Dehati Jay Singh 🙏🙏🙏 https://youtube.com/channel/UC2zuSRQ2I9cvGh4CtX3oa3w #dehatijaysingh #Love #Ray #IFPWriting #NaseebApna #NojotoTurns5 #ThomsoOpenMic #betrayal #BeatMusic @ARTIST / VIP. / VIPIN_MISHRA_FANS Sudha Tripathi @Sanju Singh @Bh@Wn@ Sh@Rm@ Anshu writer

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इन्हे खोना नही चाहते ❤️ 😍

सभी के प्रणाम 🙏🙏🙏🙏 Please subscribe my Youtube channel Dehati jay Singh 🙏🙏🙏 https://youtube.com/channel/UC2zuSRQ2I9cvGh4CtX3oa3w Please spote me 🙏🙏🙏 #dehatijaysingh #Love #shayri #OctoberCreator2022 #Ray #IFPWriting #mask #शुन्य #Divorce #BeatMusic @Sethi Ji @Bh@Wn@ Sh@Rm@ FAKIR SAAB samas ( fftfbs) @isha rajput @Alpana Sharma @Shweta Srivastava Gargi @Ankita Tantuway @Sanju Singh @Chetna Dubey Anshu writer

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