Every being in this world feels, just like us.
They love, they care, they grieve.
All hearts beating with the same longing.
It’s so pity that we forget this.
Mother Nature, the great weaver of souls,
Has stitched us all with threads of longing—
A hunger not just for survival,
But for touch, for warmth, for belonging.
Our nervous systems are wired for love,
Designed to seek, to ache, to crave.
Not just humans, but all beings.
And may we never forget—
Love is not just for us.
May animals receive the kindness they deserve.
May women, breaking chains of centuries,
Find love untainted by patriarchy’s shadow.
May men, too, unburdened by expectation,
Know tenderness beyond strength.
May love reach every heart,
For we were all born to be loved.
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