New Day
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नवीनता लिए प्रभात आ गया। मलिनता छँटी विभात छा गया।। विलुप्त वर्ष ये हमें बता रहा। उमंग ही भरो नहीं उचाटना।। ©Bharat Bhushan pathak

#newday  नवीनता लिए प्रभात आ गया।
मलिनता छँटी विभात छा गया।।
विलुप्त वर्ष ये हमें बता रहा।
उमंग ही भरो नहीं उचाटना।।

©Bharat Bhushan pathak

#newday love poetry in hindi poetry in hindi hindi poetry on life poetry on love hindi poetry

13 Love

Life begins now -- right now -- not tomorrow or the next day or the next. Every minute of every hour of every day, life begins anew. That means everything can change in an instant. It also means you can have a new beginning whenever you want. ©purvarth

 Life begins now -- right now -- not tomorrow or the next day or the next. Every minute of every hour of every day, life begins anew. That means everything can change in an instant. It also means you can have a new beginning whenever you want.


#newday #success #hardwork #motivated #AddictedToSuccess❤️ #Quotes #embracechange #Goal #passionandpurpose

11 Love

Tomorrow is a new day Wake up as early as possible, exercise, have a good breakfast. The earlier you get out of your bed, the more things you can do throughout your day. If you are full of enthusiasm, ready to make your life full of positive events and things, create a rule for yourself to get up earlier than usual. A good and plentiful breakfast charges your battery for the whole day. Plentiful start allow you the opportunity to feel over the moon with happiness, because when you just woke up, your body is weakened, make it recharge. Jogging or push-ups from the floor will give you a boost of energy for the whole day. ©purvarth

#Quotes #newday  Tomorrow is a new day

Wake up as early as possible, 
exercise, have a good breakfast. 
The earlier you get out of your bed, 
the more things you can do
 throughout your day. If you are full of enthusiasm, ready
 to make your life full of positive events and things,
 create a rule for yourself to get up earlier than usual. 
A good and plentiful
 breakfast charges your battery for the whole day. 

Plentiful start allow you the
 opportunity to feel over the 
moon with happiness, because 
when you just woke up, your body is weakened, make
 it recharge. Jogging or push-ups from the floor will 
give you a boost of energy 
for the whole day.



9 Love

Khuda mujhe kaisa bhi banai khuda mujhe kaisa bhi banai lekin kisi ki zindagi kharab ho meri wajah se mujhe aisa kabhi na banai ©Mahsay Zorfa

#newday  Khuda mujhe kaisa bhi 
khuda mujhe kaisa bhi 
lekin kisi ki
zindagi kharab ho
meri wajah se mujhe aisa
kabhi na banai

©Mahsay Zorfa


16 Love

shayar binda seehra अपनी सच्ची लगन में ही मन का असल सुख है seehra वरना कहीं भी चले जायो दुख ही दुख है

#bindaseehra #thankyouji #legend  shayar binda seehra

अपनी सच्ची लगन में ही मन का असल सुख है

seehra वरना कहीं भी चले जायो दुख ही दुख है

जिंदगी में कुछ पाना चाहते हो तो अपने आदत को बदलो

 जिंदगी में कुछ पाना चाहते हो तो अपने आदत को बदलो

जिंदगी में कुछ पाना चाहते हो तो अपने आदत को बदलो

11 Love

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