A Very Special Moment
Taking a sip of coffee, she said, "You know, Krish, that was delicious, and I loved it." She understood that I couldn't figure out what she was talking about. She opened the sugar sachet and stirred it into her coffee, then continued, "Those chocolates that you gave me last week on your return from a foreign tour." I interrupted, saying, "I remember," but she persisted. "Yes, Krish; I savoured it completely and did not share it with anyone. I took it to the terrace of my house and savoured it. " "Why didn't you share it with anyone?" I asked. She replied, "Because, Krish, you brought it only for me, and things meant for me are only mine." She clarified my doubt as she placed her hands on mine.
That was the first day I felt the feeling of being so special to someone; I have no words to express it, other than to say, 'The feeling was a breathtaking moment.' I was indeed special to someone, and even today, after so many years, she continues to make me feel special by being my better half!
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