"Golden Wisdom"
In porches they gather, from sight they are sought,
By time's river swept, wisdom they've brought.
Like jackfruits they stand, their hearts full of gold,
Eyes deep as wells, their stories retold.
Wrinkles like etchings, skin sun-kissed by time,
Clothes worn and faded, their presence sublime.
Foreheads with sandalwood, devotion in song,
Their tales and their laughter, forever prolong.
Memories we cherish, their lessons we trace,
Their smiles and their wisdom, a joy to embrace.
Life's flame in their eyes, like beacons they shine,
Guiding our dreams, their legacy divine.
These elders, our teachers, inspiring our ways,
With hearts full of reverence, we honor their days.
©Santosh Jangam
#poem Cherish and honor the wisdom of the elderly, recognizing their stories and experiences as valuable guides for our own lives.