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Shreshtha Sharma

Shreshtha Sharma

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#shreshthasharmatruefact  एक मुलाकात

जबभी एक मुलाकात हमारी होगी ll
एक तू एक मै और बस हमारी ये कहानी उम्र भर हमारे साथ होगीl

जबभी एक मुलाकात हमारी होगी ll
हर बात का जवाब तुझसे माँगूँगी l

जबभी एक मुलाकात हमारी होगी ll
हर गिरते आँसू का हिसाब तुझसे माँगूँगी l

जबभी एक मुलाकात हमारी होगी ll
हर सोच का ख्याल तुझसे माँगूगीl

जबभी एक मुलाकात हमारी होगी ll
गुजरे लम्हों की खुशीयां तुझसे माँगूँगीl  
 जबभी एक मुलाकात हमारी होगी ll
एक प्यारा सा बंधन फिर एक बार तुझसे माँगूँगी l

जबभी एक मुलाकात हमारी होगी ll
तू बंध जायेगा मेरे बंधन में.. मैं फिर एक बार तेरी होजाऊंगी l

जबभी एक मुलाकात हमारी होगी ll
इस चमकते आसमां में सितारों से भरी रात हमारी होगीl

जबभी एक मुलाकात हमारी होगी ll
एक तू एक मै और बस हमारी ये कहानी उम्र भर हमारे साथ होगी l

फिर एक बार एक मुलाकात हमारी होगी ll

©Shreshtha Sharma

#shreshthasharmatruefact एक मुलाकात

144 View

मेरे संस्कारों में वो मेरे साथ, मेरे मरते दम तक जियेंगे। ©Shreshtha Sharma

#कहाँ #क्षण #बंजर #बंद #है   मेरे संस्कारों में वो मेरे साथ, 
मेरे मरते दम तक जियेंगे।

©Shreshtha Sharma

yaa it's a FRIENDSHIP DAY.. and i really don't have a single friend. Because EVERYTHING IS TEMPORARY IN THIS PERMANENT WORLD.. sometimes i thought just go back to those happy memories but the same moment i realized it's too late .. and the one who left me at my lowest doesn't deserve my highest. THE REALITY OF LIFE .when i realize there is no one to understand me, there is no one to listen my sorrows ,celebrating my happiness..and this is the moment when i realize there is no one who hug me tight and say MEIN HU AUR HUMESHA HU. but NOTHING IS PERMANENT. sometimes i lived a whole day without utter a word beacuse no one is listening ...Even if you are available for everyone supports everyone and loved them with your pure intentios they leave you not because you are good just because you are too good in maintaining the relation and UNKO BS APNA MATLB PURA HONE SE MATLAB HAI... EVERYONE IS USING YOUR EMOTIONS UNTIL YOU ACCEPT THE TRUTH. WALK AWAY AND ACCEPT NOTHING STAYS FOREVER ©Shreshtha Sharma

#ChaltiHawaa #films  yaa it's a FRIENDSHIP DAY.. and i really don't have a single friend. Because EVERYTHING IS TEMPORARY IN THIS PERMANENT WORLD.. sometimes i thought just go back to those happy memories but the same moment i realized it's too late .. and the one who left me at my lowest doesn't deserve my highest. THE REALITY OF LIFE .when i realize there is no one to understand me, there is no one to listen my sorrows ,celebrating my happiness..and this is the moment when i realize there is no one who  hug me tight and say MEIN HU AUR HUMESHA HU. but NOTHING IS PERMANENT. sometimes i lived a whole day without utter a word beacuse no one is  listening ...Even if you are available for everyone supports everyone and loved them with your pure intentios  they leave you not because you are good just because you are too good in maintaining the relation and UNKO BS APNA MATLB PURA HONE SE MATLAB HAI... EVERYONE IS USING YOUR EMOTIONS UNTIL YOU ACCEPT THE TRUTH.

©Shreshtha Sharma


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#ChaltiHawaa  वो दिन भर मुस्कुराता चेहरा.....
 रातों में रोया भी करता है।

©Shreshtha Sharma


133 View

#शायरी #WoRaat #Ha  बस कुछ खालीपन सा है.... ना बताया जा सकता है, ना कोई सुनने वाला है।

©Shreshtha Sharma

#WoRaat #Ha

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#शायरी #Likho  नए साल में वो लोग कहाँ 
हमे हमारे पुराने साल लौटा दो।

©Shreshtha Sharma


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