Dear writers,
Would you like to join New anthology then go for it.
Spectrum of Thoughts presents an anthology.
*Buried Voice*
*Compiler- Abha Singh*
*Theme* - One side Love
*Genre* - Poems
*Language* - English/ Hindi
*Pre-order Compulsory*
*Content should be original*
*Co-Author Gets*
Pages - 3 *(including Your pic & Bio)*
Hard copy of book
Hard copy of certificate
*Delivery at your home* (No Extra Charge)
*For any queries,*
*Compiler-Abha Singh*
Insta I'd: abhasingh2222
Dear writers, Would you like to join New anthology then go for it. Spectrum of Thoughts presents an anthology. *Buried Voice* *Compiler- Abha Singh* *Theme* - One side Love *Genre* - Poems *Language* - English/ Hindi *Pre-order Compulsory* *Content should be original* *Co-Author Gets* 👇👇👇 Pages - 3 *(including Your pic & Bio)* Hard copy of book Hard copy of certificate *Delivery at your home* (No Extra Charge) *For any queries,* *Compiler-Abha Singh* E-mail: Insta I'd: abhasingh2222