How will we save our environment?#EnvironmentDay2021 Wallpaper.
305 Stories
Environment We humans are so selfish. Yes firstly we respect something till the time we don't get it. But once we get it then we don't give a shit to it. We do exploit it for our benefits. This is what exactly happening with environment in today's time. We are using it in every possible way but not giving anything back to it. That's wrong. We should take atleast small steps because we all are tenant and not landlord on earth. We can plant tress,save water and reuse the things to pay rent. That's it and you are done with your rent. Ready to pay your rent ? ©Nasamjh ladka
Nasamjh ladka
10 Love
Environment We can save our environment if, we focus in planting more trees and using less water. ©Muhammed Tasnimuddin
Muhammed Tasnimuddin
30 Love
Environment Agya hain corona ka new varient jiska nam "bita varient " hain ..jisko WHO ne B.1.617.2nam diya hain jo corona se bhaii affective bataya ja raha hain ... so plzz app gov. ke davara banyr gyr rules ko jarur follow kre aur apne app ko save rakho ©Rahul kumar
Rahul kumar
9 Love
Environment જેટલો આપણે પૃથ્વી પર જમીન ભોગવી રહ્યા છીએ ને સાહેબ જો અને ભોગવવા ની શરૂ કરી ને તો જેટલી છોડી છે એટલી પણ મળશે નહીં. ©Parikh Maulikkumar
Mr Parikh Maulik
11 Love
Environment जो काटोगे पेड़ तो छाव कहां से लाओगे यूं पैसों से सांसे कब तक खरीद पाओगे जो प्रकृति से छेड़ छाड़ करोगे तो यूं ही प्रलय आएगी अभी दुनियां दहली है कॉरॉना से एक दिन मिट्टी में मिल जाएगी ©Abhiraaj kashyap
Abhiraaj kashyap
43 Love
Environment आओ मिलकर कसम ये खाएं, सिर्फ पर्यावरण दिवस पर ही नहीं, हर रोज एक वृक्ष लगाएं।। वातावरण को सुंदर और स्वच्छ रखें, अपने जीवन को सुखमय बनाएं।। तंडुला राज आनंद ©Tandula Raj Anand (Poetess)
14 Love
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