What matters
Are not your material possessions
The money you have accumulated
The chairs you occupied
But the people you have earned
Whose moments you shared
The people you like
And love to be with
It is nothing but the bonding
That makes life so beautiful
And worth living
Man lives in relationships
Without it, life becomes a burden
The biggest tragedy to live with
Coming out of a zone
Does not mean coming out of a relationship
Then why are you so scared?
Does leaving the place mean
Leaving the people you love?
They are where they were
In the heart of your heart
You have them with you
Though with you they may not be
Separation leads to yearning
And yearning lets you realise
How much you miss and
How the people you love
Matter in your life
It is longing that lets you know
How intense the relationship is
Your love, affection and concern for others
Are your biggest strength
As well as your greatest weakness
Let these not be for your happiness
But for the smile of the people you love
And their betterment
Love is like that
Never asks anything for self
Let your love never be your bondage
But reasons for your emancipation.
Smruti Ranjan Mohanty
©Smruti Ranjan Mohanty
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