May the giver receive
May the empath is treated with compassion
May the fighter have to be less rigid
May the weak get more strength
May the listener be blessed with some other ears
May the wounded revive and heal
May the tough one's get to feel
May the thorns be blessed with flowers
May the ground reaches to towers
May the light melts in dark,May what's dead gets a spark
May the sky helds a little less high
May you gain faith don't always ask just why,
May the broken wings fly
May the lost battle gets one more try
May you don't lose the hope inside
Don't simply set yourself aside
In the next lifetime when we meet
Open your arms little wide
I am happy atleast,I tried
May nothing is set aside,May we all sincerely Abide
May the love get more love
May the cold feel the warmth
May the world be a better place,
May our coming generations feel safe
May it's not me and you,May we get a newer view
Spill no beans,Create no scenes
Love and get Loved,So mote it be
May the universe further conspire
May your love someday respire
May you win all the battle,Go get it,Just don't Seattle
Iam crazy,I am worthy
May you see with heart not mind,
May some day you could rewind
Like memories in your lives,I will leave my lovely smiles
May my name brings you peace
It was never a game to me,This feeling offers me peace
I am moving far away,No longer could stay as a stray
May now heaven makes a way
My Little heart is filled with scars
Let me go and trun in to a star,Ohh come on..,
I loved wholeheartedly
I am calm,I never seek a war
Not because I am less in might
But,I would love to see you bright
Perhaps someday you could understand
Why didn't I,withstand
I am nothing,I felt it hard,My silly heart has now turned chared
Leaving blossom all around
Never agin,I wish,To come back to the ground,
Lovely people stay like this,I am slowly passing my Abyss
You will always be so special
Never refrain go fill your vassel,I will be a dandelion
Thankfully,Never been a chameleon
Wishes pass for now a while,My silly heart is still juvenile...
©ashita pandey बेबाक़
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