For the first time
I am in love.
Know not what to do,
neither the wind is in my
favour nor the sun
The fading light of the dying
sun mocks at me,
silently whispers in my ear
'Man, you are as old as me,
for you, it is all over
don't you listen
the dark night knocking on your door'
I ask myself
does love have an age,
does it grow old with time or it is ageless?
Does love have anything to do with a tottering body and dwindling mind?
What about someone
for whom love is a feeling
beyond body and mind,
whose love is only for the other one, for the genuine well-being of his sweetheart
Is love more fulfilling in the physical and mental dimensions or in the realm of consciousness where one completely becomes another's
unconsciously merging his identity by completely identifying with his loved one,
living her moments, cheers and tears as his own
Love as a feeling
transcends the barrier of time
The lover and beloved may remain no more but their love will be, forever inspiring generation after generation
Smruti Ranjan Mohan
©Smruti Ranjan Mohanty
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