You called me first but I came late,
A hesitant reaction, cold as fate.
The summer sun and winter rain,
Made the flower wilt in pain.
But on a spring morning, bright and clear,
Golden petals of love drew near.
Under the sky, so vast and blue,
I fell for the flower—pure and true.
My love for it knew no worldly claim,
No fleeting passion, no selfish aim.
I longed to see it dance with ease,
In the cool breeze of eternal peace.
But the flower turned its gaze away,
Chasing my shadow at the break of day.
Why seek the lifeless, void of grace,
When vibrant beauty stood in place?
And then it vanished from my view,
Leaving me caught, unsure what’s true.
In Trishanku's heaven, I linger and yearn,
Hoping the flower, one day, will return.
I hope one day you’ll open the gate,
And let my vision seal its fate.
I trust in my love, pure and true,
To see you once more before life bids adieu.
Smruti Ranjan Mohan
©Smruti Ranjan Mohanty
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