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White good night friends ©Ravi

#Thinking #Quotes  White good night friends



11 Love

White A gentle word, a kind look, a good-natured smile can work wonders and accomplish miracles. ©Ravi

#Quotes #status  White A gentle word, a kind look, a good-natured smile can work wonders and accomplish miracles.



14 Love

White Opportunity does not knock, it presents itself when you beat down the door. ©Ravi

#ganesh_ #Quotes  White Opportunity does not knock, it presents itself when you beat down the door.



14 Love

White Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there. ©Ravi

 White Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there.



10 Love

White Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there. ©Ravi

#Quotes #Good  White Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there.


#Good _quotes

13 Love

White Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going. ©Ravi

#good_night #Quotes  White Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.



14 Love

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