Ben Jonas

Ben Jonas

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#Motivational  Unsplash God of the God of Israel.

©Ben Jonas


90 View

Unsplash However, God has a good plan for His creatures to create a new one as He intended. ©Ben Jonas

#Motivational  Unsplash However, God has a good plan for His creatures to create a new one as He intended.

©Ben Jonas

good plan

12 Love

#Motivational  Unsplash Jehovah God is good

©Ben Jonas

He's good...

72 View

Unsplash Life as intended before the fall of man was good and super. But after the fall of man...all things become so hard to achieve. But through patience, endurance, perseverance and longsuffering...victory is sure. ©Ben Jonas

#Motivational  Unsplash Life as intended before the fall of man was good and super. But after the fall of man...all things become so hard to achieve. But through patience, endurance, perseverance and longsuffering...victory is sure.

©Ben Jonas

Life and creation

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Unsplash For without Him there's non existence. ©Ben Jonas

#Motivational  Unsplash For without Him there's non existence.

©Ben Jonas

yes....all creation...

9 Love

Unsplash God is full of wisdom that human beings cannot comprehend it in their minds. all creation is praising Him...Because He's the creator of all things_ Living and non-living. ©Ben Jonas

#Motivational  Unsplash God is full of wisdom that human beings cannot comprehend it in their minds.
all creation is praising Him...Because He's the creator of all things_ Living and non-living.

©Ben Jonas


7 Love

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