White Never fall in love with a woman,
Who reads books by Manto,
Osho, Amrita, Nirmala Putul,
who writes ghazals,
listens to poems,
who sees the world,
not from the eyes of a so-called woman
but from the eyes of a human being,
who laughs heartily at whatever she wishes to do
Never fall in love with a woman,
Who thinks before doing anything,
who understands
the meaning of every spoken and unsaid thing,
who not only walks but also flies,
in the sky of her achievements,
Never fall in love with a woman,
Who completely rejects the stinking filth of evils,
who argues before accepting anything,
Never fall in love with a woman,
Who does not consider herself a goddess,
and man as the god of woman,
who believes in both being only and only
human beings
Never fall in love with a woman,
Who is a rebel,
who Without caring about the infamy,
she keeps making paths, for
all the frightened and cursed women of the world,
Never fall in love with a woman,
who is more modern than religious,
©Shireen Ahmed
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