What has given mythology and the narrative of the existence of God
A polarized society, casteism, a lot of myths which contradict science, patriarchy.
Have a world map to observe the countries who are religious; Nepal,iraq, Pakistan, Iraq,
And their position in the happiness index , hunger index , education index, development index. Peace index You got why any country should not be.
If one observes everything & he has power to control everything.
Why such a things; rape, muder, stampede at his place place, terrorism , calamity , happening every brutal and bad thing happening under his scrutiny. Means he is callous to his supporters or he doesn't exist. As a matter of fact there is none like that who has created everything, he has been created by such ridiculous people.
When a child is handicapped by birth
Religious people say it's the result of sin in last birth.
Science says it is a biological phenomenon. We should treat his so special that it should feel normal
Whenever science makes any discover or invention,
Religious people come n say it has already been written in our scriptures. How ridiculous it is.
For instance Search on youtube gravity in qaran, bible and other religions as well you will get every religion's preachers saying it's already been written in our scriptures before it has been discovered by science.
It might hurt your sentiment but it is what it is.
Promotes atheism,promotes rationalism being ethical
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