I think, one day I will surely find the right wor | English Shayari

"I think, one day I will surely find the right words to express my thoughts, feelings and my emotions, according to the peoples expectations but till that time people have to tolerate my thoughts, feelings and my emotions in my own words. #bas yunhi ek khayaal ....... ©Sh@kila Niy@z"

 I think, one day I will surely find 
the right words 
to express my thoughts, feelings 
and my emotions, 
according to the peoples expectations 
but till that time people have to tolerate 
my thoughts, feelings and my emotions 
in my own words.

#bas yunhi ek khayaal .......

©Sh@kila Niy@z

I think, one day I will surely find the right words to express my thoughts, feelings and my emotions, according to the peoples expectations but till that time people have to tolerate my thoughts, feelings and my emotions in my own words. #bas yunhi ek khayaal ....... ©Sh@kila Niy@z

#basekkhayaal #basyunhi

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