The greatest dancer
She's sitting at a table in the bar with a couple friends
They are enjoying some drinks and chatting away
The music playing is not her style to enjoy
Her two friends are encouraging her to dance
She is a bit shy and doesn't want to
Tells them she only dances when alone
The girls with her are telling her she's amazing
She doesn't think so least not in public
After a few drinks and some chattering
She thinks for a moment and downs her sixth shot
Like lightning she jumps up and makes her way
The crowd is rambunctious and rowdy ... but friendly
She gets up on the dance floor and bam !
Her most favourite song to dance to comes on
Her eyes widen and she starts gyrating to the beat
A couple people were watching her as she unwound
Sliding and legs moving like a ball room dancer
More patrons caught her display and fixated on her
Her body was swaying to and fro time with the music
Soon the entire club was watching , mesmerized by this
Her grace was unmatched , performers train years to dance
Her aura and energy had the whole place hysterical
When the track had ended she was stunned
Everyone was clapping and cheering and screaming
She was so embarrassed by the reaction but felt joy
She was usually so withdrawn but tonight she cracked the shell
Guys from all over the bar we're trying to get near her
Luckily the bouncers were close and kept her safe until
The women were safe in a taxi and headed home
That night she was anything but timid
She was the greatest dancer ever
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