A story of a story
It is now four in the morning
I can't and it's very boring
Maybe I could write up a story
I know it would likely be corny
A story of love and adventure
Monsters, demons and creatures
A hero gets hurt and needs sutures
The woman is a very pretty teacher
They come from two different places
The girl is nice, always says graces
The boy is silly, always making faces
Cross paths, elope, leaving no traces
A story of destiny and of danger
Two people join after being strangers
The boy he's tough, raises gators
The girl very gentle, has no anger
The man battles ogres and cyclops
She grows and tends to the crops
He's never cleaned, never used a mop
She's never had a fight, just yells stop
One day I think I might write the book
Of passion, romance and second looks
A beautiful young woman named Brooke
And a man named Cal, who cannot cook
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