White A LOOK AT LIFE-147
Never worry for what will happen.
Never regret for what has happened.
You might have erred
Who has not, you, I, he or they
Is anyone an exception
Repent and rectify, but don't forget to smile
Live! life is too short, too precious
To be wasted on nothing
Never carry the burden of past,
The dreams and fancies of future
Instead of living in a noman's land
In the dead past and unseen future
Live in the present with your smile and tears
Do not be an alien to yourself
Live the moments as they come
Happiness and sorrow
They are all yours
If you so like, go down the memory lane
Visit the future, but always be in and with the Present with what you see and sense right now.
Past is memory, future is a dream
The present is your reality,
Something you have to enjoy and endure
You may like it, you may not,
But can not escape it
Better accept and live with it.
Smruti Ranjan Mohanty©
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©Smruti Ranjan Mohanty
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