Kshitij Kala

Kshitij Kala

Author of "Observing the Miracles in the Bliss of Silence"


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The problem we are facing is that we think that we have to reach somewhere.

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Freedom and Slavery | Kshitij Kala

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No one will kill animals if we just stop eating them and find something better to eat. Its not about whether its right to kill animals or not. Its more about what you actually need. You have to decide whether you want animals in your plate as food, or do you want animals as friends in your life. Its about what is more important: Hunger or Loneliness. Eating animals may not let you feel hungry for maximum one day. But having animals as friends may not allow you to feel lonely for your entire li

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Freedom from Motivation

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Expectations are a risk. If you are expecting others to make you happy, you are also giving them an opportunity to hurt you. It is like gambling with your own happiness.

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