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ik shine

ik shine

Always be happy ☺️ प्यार और खुशियां बांटते रहो ,🤗 _ Student _ Writer 📃📃📃 I don't wait for the right time to do something because sometimes waiting for the right and exact time , a lot of time passes by ... So whatever is in your heart just express it , don't wait !!!!! ________ KEEP SMILING ☺☺ 🙏🙏🙏

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#Memories #friends #Painful #Relaxed

Is there any way to #Delete #Painful #Memories from my head? There is one #Way, the #simple one - Be #Relaxed and #Happy with your #Family and #friends .. Always be busy with some work... Then your #Mind will never remind painful memories..

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#responsibility #self_esteem #goodness #generous

#Kind #people are loving and they give out #goodness of their #Heart give because it is in their #Nature, to #Care .. They are #generous, and have #self_esteem and they take #responsibility for their own self-care.. They always #Focus on being good to others ...

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