Pavan Sharma

Pavan Sharma

Co-founder of VPS minds, an Engineer by profession and MBA graduate working as Customer relation manager, , during my study of finance in MBA, I learned and observe about habits of peoples due to that they struggling to manage money flow and get trapped in debt, I have designed a basic learning program to improve the habits related to money matters and improve their relation with money.

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White Train your mind to see the happiness in everything. ©Pavan Sharma

#nlpcoachingnexus #विचार #vpsmindsnlp #newlifepath #Happiness  White Train your mind to see the happiness in everything.

©Pavan Sharma

White दृढ़ रहें और हार न मानें। ©Pavan Sharma

#newlearningpatterns #nlpcoachingnexus #विचार #vpsmindsnlp #newlifepath  White दृढ़ रहें और हार न मानें।

©Pavan Sharma

White Stay strong and don't give up. ©Pavan Sharma

#nlpcoachingnexus #विचार #newbeginning #vpsmindsnlp #newlifepath  White Stay strong and don't give up.

©Pavan Sharma

White अपने मन को हर चीज़ में खुशी देखने के लिए प्रशिक्षित करें। ©Pavan Sharma

#nlpcoachingnexus #विचार #vpsmindsnlp #newlifepath #Happiness  White अपने मन को हर चीज़ में खुशी देखने के लिए प्रशिक्षित करें।

©Pavan Sharma

White Train your mind to see the happiness in everything. ©Pavan Sharma

#nlpcoachingnexus #विचार #understanding #mindfulness #perceptions  White Train your mind to see the happiness in everything.

©Pavan Sharma

White संघर्ष से टकराकर प्राप्त की गई सफलताएँ स्वाभिमान पैदा करती है अभिमान नहीं ..!! ©Pavan Sharma

#nlpcoachingnexus #विचार #vpsmindsnlp #newlifepath #resilience  White संघर्ष से टकराकर प्राप्त की गई सफलताएँ स्वाभिमान पैदा करती है अभिमान नहीं ..!!

©Pavan Sharma
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