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Pushker Sharma

Pushker Sharma

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look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. ©Pushker Sharma

#Quotes  look deep into nature,
and then you will understand
everything better.

©Pushker Sharma


10 Love

Happiness will never be obtained by chasing someone else's dreams. make sure the ones you're chasing are yoursr. ©Pushker Sharma

#Quotes  Happiness will
never be obtained 
by chasing someone
 else's dreams.
make sure the ones
you're chasing are

©Pushker Sharma

Happiness will never be obtained by chasing someone else's dreams. make sure the ones you're chasing are yoursr. ©Pushker Sharma

11 Love

#writermirzagalib #Life_experience

#writermirzagalib voice urdu daan

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थोड़ा सा रफू करके देखिये ना, फिर से नयी सी लगेगी, ज़िन्दगी ही तो है......... ©Pushker Sharma

#Life_experience  थोड़ा सा रफू करके देखिये ना,
फिर से नयी सी लगेगी,

 ज़िन्दगी ही तो है.........

©Pushker Sharma


10 Love

free your life for expectation fo others. Live for your own self. You have only one life! ©Pushker Sharma

 free your life for expectation fo others.
Live for your own self.
You have only one life!

©Pushker Sharma


13 Love

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