Nandini Rathi

Nandini Rathi Lives in Nagaon, Assam, India

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#nojotopoetry #Chaandani #Nojoto #chaand
#WorldPoetryDay #MeriKavita #Nojoto #kavita

#WorldPoetryDay #Nojoto #kavita #MeriKavita Happy World Poetry Day.... 😊😊

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Write 5 words After Thinking 500 times

#Quotes #5words  Write 5 words 
Thinking 500 times

#5words P.S- Plz dont count the numericals for #5words quote n thoughts😅 ... As numericals n words r different😊 .... #Quotes

4 Love

During the sunset, Beneath the trees, In ur arms... What's more beautiful than that evening!? The song of the birds, The sound of the lake, And ur sweet voice... What's more sweet than that i can listen!? The red sun &the blue sky, The white birds, And ur beautiful smile... Whats more beautiful than that I can see!? U &Me are still there in the dark Under the tree, Beneath the stars... What's more lovely than that sweet dream!?

#sweetdream #lovepoem #Nojoto #Dream #crush  During the sunset, 
Beneath the trees,
In ur arms...
What's more beautiful than that evening!?

The song of the birds,
The sound of the lake,
And ur sweet voice...
What's more sweet than that i can listen!?

The red sun &the blue sky,
The white birds, 
And ur beautiful smile...
Whats more beautiful than that I can see!?

 U &Me are still there in the dark
Under the tree,
 Beneath the stars...
What's more lovely than that sweet dream!?

'My Sweet Dream' #lovepoem #crush #Dream #sweetdream #Nojoto

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#nojotob #Beauty #Nojoto #poem #poor

#rich& #poor gap in our country... #Beauty #SAD #Nojoto #poem

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#lovepoem #loverose #Nojoto #Rose

#Rose #loverose #lovepoem #Nojoto if u liked it thn plzzz do like❤ !!😊

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