Sana Chauhan

Sana Chauhan

let's write the words of heart in quotes and poetries

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is precious #NoMoreSuicide

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#MainAgarKahu #inkar

Really, we can't be pretty good for everyone at the same time. It is impossible to be fair enough with each person. To bring smile on someone's face we never know about our which action will become a reason of hurting someone else. We all want to be happy right? so why don't we just let it go. And try to understand without misunderstanding afterall we all have to walk on the same path...... nothing stays forever right? even we don't, isn't it.?

#DawnSun #hopes  Really, we can't be pretty good for everyone at the same time.
It is impossible to be fair enough with each person.
To bring smile on someone's face 
we never know about our which action will become a reason of hurting someone else.
We all want to be happy right?
so why don't we just let it go.
And try to understand without misunderstanding
afterall we all have to walk on the same path......
nothing stays forever right?
even we don't, isn't it.?

#hopes for new start. #DawnSun

5 Love

#mumkin #rain

#mumkin nahi tha.........#rain

974 View

Say no to drugs world international day against drugs 26th June save yourself and your loved one's life .

 Say no to drugs
world international day against drugs
26th June
save yourself and your loved one's life .

# save your loved ones by saving yourself

5 Love

Sometime it's good to be apart........ those who are made to live with us will wait for us any how. And those who are made to leave us will leave us any how.

 Sometime it's  good  to be apart........
those who are made to live with us will wait for 
us  any how.
And those who are made  to leave us will leave us any how.

# be yourself

4 Love

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