Your thoughts can define you more than you can describe yourself...
White My gf(now ex) took it from me and today I got it back from her recent guy lol I never ever thought about it.How can a girl lose interest so fast and when i caught her redhanded she was not accepting the truth and now she can't even face me while there was a time when we planned our future together now my mom knows about her but she is no more with me lol i am fucked up and she is happy with others...I was her option and a guy whom she used to move on.This book carries alot of memories now. Life is unpredictable! ©@Pancham
10 Love
White Loved a girl after a long time but she haven't moved on yet...we r still friends but maybe we like each other...we talk for hours daily we meet alot we hang out...time flies away but I don't know what are we? What if we get into a relationship and she goes back to her ex who is my friend what if I get broken again? ©@Pancham
16 Love
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