White love The way you are ©Kruthika
12 Love
green-leaves please keep patience 😊 until your time comes ©Kruthika
19 Love
Dont Chase girls chase paisa...❤️it helps you in life..😉 ©Kruthika
17 Love
keep your tongue on hold because every work is a knife/ heart ❤️ ©Kruthika
13 Love
green-leaves Think big create big... ©Kruthika
Unsplash अपनी पीठ की मजबूती को बढ़ाए, शाबाशी और धोखा दोनों पीछे से ही मिलते है।Increase the strength of your back, both praise and betrayal come from behind. ©Kruthika
16 Love
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