The vast canopy ofmy reveries
Possessed a library of enthralling colours ,
Where stories of steadfast love and loyalty
Were written loud on the banner.
Hand in hand bathed in warmth rang loud and clear .
Butterflies roamed the sky and
Cuckoos sang mystic songs.
The air resonated with the redolences of pristine joy.
And all awhile as we took the walk through
Both the upheavals and soft meadow,
Your unfading smiles and firm grip
Led me on,I could feast my eyes on the
Spectrum of swirling colours .
A dream,a fancy in the land of innocence
That paved the pathway and made it easier to stand abreast the storm.
But when reality knocked
And the curtain moved aside,
The wonderworld was robbed of its radiance and the life giving colours.
©Sangeeta Dey Roy
The wonderworld # life giving colours