This universe is formed by energies, atoms and mol | English Video

"This universe is formed by energies, atoms and molecules. So, I believe that, everytime we fall in love or get emotionally attached to someone, we are passing out our energy to them and we are sharing each other's energy. That is why, when we stay apart or split from that person or people, we suffer from an emotional trauma. It will take time to regain our energy back, and to get back to normal. So, always choose your bondings or relationships wisely, because you are going to share your energy with them. ©Santhi G Achari "

This universe is formed by energies, atoms and molecules. So, I believe that, everytime we fall in love or get emotionally attached to someone, we are passing out our energy to them and we are sharing each other's energy. That is why, when we stay apart or split from that person or people, we suffer from an emotional trauma. It will take time to regain our energy back, and to get back to normal. So, always choose your bondings or relationships wisely, because you are going to share your energy with them. ©Santhi G Achari

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