The loveliness of night, and a full moon by my sig | English Poetry

"The loveliness of night, and a full moon by my sight. I want to cherish every single moment, that will endure for a long time. Every single moment is enjoyable, but I am unable to hold it. ©Bhagyashree Jena"

 The loveliness of night,
and a full moon by my sight.
I want to cherish every single moment,
that will endure for a long time. 

Every single moment is enjoyable,
but I am unable to hold it.

©Bhagyashree Jena

The loveliness of night, and a full moon by my sight. I want to cherish every single moment, that will endure for a long time. Every single moment is enjoyable, but I am unable to hold it. ©Bhagyashree Jena


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