White If you are the running tide, I'm the calm se | English Poetry

"White If you are the running tide, I'm the calm sea. If you are death, I'm birth. If you are unloved, I'm loved. If you are sunny day, I'm soothing night. If you are nothing, I'm everything. ©Bhagyashree Jena"

 White If you are the running tide,
I'm the calm sea.
If you are death,
I'm birth.
If you are unloved,
I'm loved.
If you are sunny day,
I'm soothing night.
If you are nothing,
I'm everything.

©Bhagyashree Jena

White If you are the running tide, I'm the calm sea. If you are death, I'm birth. If you are unloved, I'm loved. If you are sunny day, I'm soothing night. If you are nothing, I'm everything. ©Bhagyashree Jena

#you are

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