green-leaves At a time when DIVORCEs are more, REL | English Life

"green-leaves At a time when DIVORCEs are more, RELATIONSHIPs doesn't sustain, people chose to remain SINGLE, and aging couple are LONELY There's a NEED For Pre and Post Marriage COUNSELING keep sharing this to every friends and family. ©Zahid Akhtar"

 green-leaves At a time when DIVORCEs are more,
RELATIONSHIPs doesn't sustain,
people chose to remain SINGLE,
and aging couple are LONELY 
There's a 
For Pre and Post Marriage 

keep sharing this to every friends and family.

©Zahid Akhtar

green-leaves At a time when DIVORCEs are more, RELATIONSHIPs doesn't sustain, people chose to remain SINGLE, and aging couple are LONELY There's a NEED For Pre and Post Marriage COUNSELING keep sharing this to every friends and family. ©Zahid Akhtar

#GreenLeaves #Family #Relationships #counselling

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