They're born innocent
They do nothing bad
Always in a happy mood
And they never seem sad
They are eager to learn
Anything we teach them
All they want is love
And for us to be a friend
Patience and praise
When they are correct
Reward them with a treat
And show them what's next
Talk to them often
Like you would any person
They understand so much
And you both will have fun
Simple words or phrases
A canine can understand
Repeat and reward after
Congratulate them again
They will grow up loyal
And committed to you
Always by your side
And they will stay true
Puppies are such a gift
And oh so very cute
Even when they act tough
And try to bite your shoe
I wish I had alot of them
One of each breed
Each would be special
All with their own needs
Running through fields
And hopping over grass
Free to roam openly
Their journeys would be vast
To all the puppies out there
I would like to see panting
Happy and very content
From hours of joyful prancin
#puppies #Canine #love❤