If you ever want to jiggle me, you can tell me why | English Love

"If you ever want to jiggle me, you can tell me why you are in love with me without any hesitation. I will answer one thing, You just fell in love. "Love is like two people." So come as long as you like, or I'll take you by the hand and bring you to love. ©I am Rohan"

 If you ever want to jiggle me, you can tell me why you are in love with me without any hesitation.
I will answer one thing,
You just fell in love.
"Love is like two people."
So come as long as you like, or I'll take you by the hand and bring you to love.

©I am Rohan

If you ever want to jiggle me, you can tell me why you are in love with me without any hesitation. I will answer one thing, You just fell in love. "Love is like two people." So come as long as you like, or I'll take you by the hand and bring you to love. ©I am Rohan


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