Will you still love me tomorrow?
You're holding my hands tonight,
And your eyes speak those enchanted words.
We're both singing the same song,
Your head is leaning against my shoulder.
and comparing your scars to mine
Should I pause this time ?
And make you forever mine
Will this last until the end?
Or break me when it ends ?
You have opened your heart tonight,
and secretly interacted with mine.
But will it be the same?
When you wake up tomorrow,
Will you still love me the same ?
When does the Sun reach nine ,
Will you still be mine?
When I am unable to smile,
Will you be my reason to smile ?
And when I decide to give up,
Will you hold me tight?
Will you still love me tomorrow ?
the way u love me today and
love me until we reach the infinity!
©priti pratikshya
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